Thursday, 22 October 2009

Welcome, I suppose

Hello. Welcome to the 3 Grumpy Old Gits blog. We can't be bothered to write out 3 Grumpy Old Gits each time so we've shortened it to 3GOG.
We are 3 blokes around 50 years old in Brighton, England. We hatched this idea on one of our monthly meals out in Brighton and Hove. We were a bit worse for wear and getting a few things off our chest and thought that other grumpy old gits might like to join in.
One of the main things we will write about are the restaurants we eat in each month. We take it in turns to choose a venue. Brighton and Hove has 11 restaurants in the Good Food Guide but so far we've not visited any of them.
We will probably also blog about other things that we love or get grumpy about - beer and wine, football, technology etc.
Please join in.

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