Sunday, 27 February 2011

The Pump House, Lanes, Brighton

Its years since I visited this place and as its south of North Street its in the zone normally avoided on weekend evenings. Drunken trouts and aggressive oiks are not my kind of scene. Anyway, I was early for a party elsewhere so popped into this based on the good reports of its ale. They had 4 on tap - Harveys BB, Doom Bar (I think), Barnsley Gold and an old. The prices were really keen - under £3 with one exception and well kept. The descriptions on the pump clips weren't very helpful but I'm not complaining about that. The list of upcoming ales was very encouraging and eclectic. The decor (light wood panelling and old Brighton prints) was tasteful for a town centre pub. Definitely worth a visit although probably not on a Friday or Saturday.

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