Friday, 17 December 2010

Ginger Dog, College Place, Brighton

This is one of the ginger menagerie - along with pig, fox, and, er man (shouldn't it be 'keeper'?). Ladbrokes are giving short odds on the next one being cat.
Anyway, its in deep Kemptown in an old pub, and has retained more of its pubness than most gastro-pubs of its ilk. Good ale on offer - Harvey's Old, Dark Star APA and (ahem) Sharp's Doom Bar.
The menu is the usual Brit fare and we had some v tasty corn Sformato (bean mousse) with chili , monkfish fritters and, for mains, a big old burger with dripping chips and I add a v well cooked cod fillet on mushy pea gloop and celeriac chips. Washed down with a good French merlot and finished off with a good rice pudding and a glass of venezuelan rum.
The only grump was despite being assured we wouldn't be anywhere near shrieking xmas parties we were placed next to a group of 10 in paper hats. And there was a top Tory councillor and his Mrs nearby which also lowered the tone.
£75 for 2.

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