Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Blenio Bistro, Seven Dials

I once went to a bar in the Barrio Alto in Lisbon where a bloke had stencilled on the back of his jacket: 'I fuck like a bistro'. How we laughed - unless he wore a red gingha,m tablecloth over his head when on the job.

This place used to be Dali's tapas restaurant which wasn't a better alternative to Casa Don Carlos. Anyway, I've got to take the GLW out one night a month and she likes going to restaurants. Chilli Pickle was full so we chose this place as it was the top-rated gaff on Top Table website. Its a French inspired bistro but without the red gingham table clothes. We booked it through Top Table but had to change the time and the restaurant were very happy to do it - admirable on a Saturday night. There was a bowl of walnuts and hazel nuts on the table which was a nice touch. The wine list was an average price and choice. The food is supposed to be locally sourced. I had a good crayfish and something risotto and SWMBO had yellow fin tuna to start. Can't imagine that any of that came from Sussex. For main course I had Rye bay skate - very well cooked but not sure how sustainable - with a cabbage leaf wrapping some swede, a rubbery potato cake (not fondue as stated on the menu) and some green beans. Her indoors had a well cooked bit of steak. Pudding was missed. The damage was £60 including a decent bottle of wine - very reasonable. The most irritating thing to grump about was the disappearance of the waitresses when we wanted to pay. They were either busy laying tables or cleaning them - more eager to get set up for the morning than get the punters served and out the door. But anyway, that was a minor grump. Nice bogs even though I scared myself when I cught sight of myself in a full length mirror - I looked like someone enjoying Care in the Community.

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